Friday, August 28, 2009

final touches before the shot

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

pujo aasche 2

yes, the puja's are only a few days away .... but do they touch all lives the way they touch our's? perhaps not, look at this man, our neighbour from across the street, perched on his taxi sleeping in total oblivion. did somebody mention a recession ? a global financial meltdown? what did you say? he's really a bank regulator in disguise doing what they do best?   

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

pujo aashche 1

More from Kumortuli

Pujo Aasche

Its that time of the year again. That time of the year when the incessant rains start beating a quiet retreat. That time of the year, when one sees hues of bright green that defies the imagination as trees, plants and shrubs bathed in a fresh shower sport their brightest best. It is that time of the year when the fields get overrun by weeds heralding the process that culminates in the home coming of Goddess Durga.

Yes, Durga Puja is now about a month away. To us Bengalis it is a lot more than a mere religious festival. It is the symbolic triumph of good over evil. It is a chance to forge new friendships and renew old bonds of fraternity. It is, even to the agnostics and communists, a chance to pandal-hop, partake Prasad, offer angali, and generally join in the revelries. It is an excuse to buy new clothes for the family, wear shoes that hurt, throw all caution in the wind and gorge on junk food as if there’s no tomorrow and generally live it up, with or without the mandatory saradiya sankha (annual number) of the favourite media house. 

Yes, the puja’s are on the way and it is prime time at “Kumortuli” (read adobe of the potters) who are busy giving shape to the idols. Let us start our “pujo porikroma” from here …

For Bengalis everywhere, for Bengalis in every part of the globe this is festive season. Join me as we take part in celebrating life the way only we Bengalis can. We will try and make this as illustrative and image intensive as we can. Feel free to join in the conversation by posting comments.
(All Pics by Arindam Basu)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

lucid interval

images are instant, frozen pieces of time. the moment passes, letting us savour the flavour ... this is just an attempt to catch some of the tiny things happening around us. a note that touches the heart, an image that tells a story of a thousand words, a piece ofart that moves one ... an attempt to seperate the grains from the chaff and present them for friends to relish.
lucid interval, in law is that brief moment when a lunatic regains his sanity, when in law, he is capable even of extering and executing contracts. in our mad haste to complete therat race of life, dont we all long for this lucid intervals ? i for one do and therefore am embarking on this voyage to extend my moments of happiness with friends and all thosewho want to come on board.