10 Signs of Depression !
Depression is very much associated to our today's life style . Many of us feel hopelessness, meaninglessness , insecurity - but we must be careful that it does not go for a long time. Depression can lead to many emotional or physical problems if it continues for a long time !
Some of the symptoms of Depression are :
1. Depressed Mood or Irritable - If a person feels sad or empty most of the day !
2. Decrease in Interest pr pleasure - If a person had interest in activity but does not show any interest or pleasure in that activity
3. Significant change in weight - If a person looses weight without any reason .
4. Change in appetite - A person may eat less or may feel more hungry than usual .
5. Change in pattern of activity - He may become slwer than he usually is or may be hyperactive.
6. Tiredness - An individual may have tired feeling
7. Concentration - Concentration of a person may go down . He/ she may have difficulty in concentrating.
8. Guilt - prone - An individual may become guilt- prone and start blaming himself/ herself gor the wrong doings which actually may not be true.
9. Worthlessness - An individual may feel that he has nothing to contribute to his family or others and thus have feeling of worthlessness.
10. Suicidal- An individual may have thoughts of suicide or may have suicidal plan .
Not only adults but children and teenagers may also have depression . About 5% of children and Adolescents suffer from depression at any given point of time. The depression in children may manifest it's symptoms in various ways . It may be deterioration in academic performance, change in interest pattern, may have irritable mood , anger and hostility, frequent tearfulness and crying, withdrawing from social activities and getting bored very easily, difficulty with relationships. He / she may have problem in focussing or in making any decision and may have suicidal plans.
Depression can be controlled with right intervention at the right time . If , it disturbs our daily activities for quite some time ( more than 2 weeks) then we must consult a professional !